Carers Network is one of the new Lord Mayor of Westminster's Charities of Year!
Carers Network is delighted to announce that we are one of the new Lord Mayor of Westminster, Councillor Patricia McAllister's charities of the year for 2023/2024!
We know how passionate the Lord Mayor is about supporting unpaid carers in Westminster.
Together we will be fundraising so that we can help improve the lives of even more local unpaid carers so they can lead healthy fulfilling lives, with a range of practical, personal and financial support, suited to their needs.
We look forward to joining the Lord Mayor of Westminster at many functions and events throughout year, and there will be many exciting opportunities for local unpaid Westminster carers to be involved ... so please watch this space!
The new Lord Mayor of Westminster Councillor Patricia McAllister with Carers Network's Interim CEO Brian Jones and Head of Service's Sonia Benitez at the Lord Mayor's inauguration on Weds 17 May 2023.
Photo credit: Juliet Hedges-Robinson