Caring can be tough and it can help to talk to a trained counsellor
A counsellor is someone who listens to your concerns and helps you arrive at solutions. Often, just having a sympathetic person listening can help.
Unpaid carers registered with Carers Network have previously been able to access an eight to 12 week course of psychodynamic counselling by phone or face-to-face.
There is an exceptionally long waiting list for this service as we are in process of recruiting new counsellors.
Due to this, referrals to the service are currently on hold, and we are also not recruiting further new counsellors since we are currently working though pending applications.
The following Counselling Services can though currently be accessed:
The New Normal also have a Peer-to-Peer support service available here.
If I was having a really bad weekend I knew I could share this with [the therapist] the week after and express how I was feeling. It was a support being able to speak freely with someone who doesn't have an agenda. I could say whatever I had in my mind.
Online resources
- An article about psychodynamic therapy from BACP
Carers Network's counselling service is delivered thanks to the generous support of Westminster Amalgamated Charity. Independent Age Grants Fund made a significant difference to establishing counselling in 2020.